Standard | EN 60 751 |
Temperature coefficient | α = 3.850 x 10-3°C-1 (between 0 and 100°C |
Temperature range | -200 to +400°C |
Tolerance | Temperature validity range Class 1/3 DIN B: - 70 to +250°C Temperature validity range Class A: -200 to +400°C Temperature validity range Class B: -200 to +400°C |
Measuring current | Pt100 recommended: 1.0mA Pt500 recommended: 0.7mA Pt1000 recommended: 0.1mA |
Maximum current | Pt100 10mA Pt500 5mA Pt1000 3mA |
Operating conditions | Suitable also for unprotected application in high-humidity environments and in liquid me- dia (e. g. caustic solutions). The medium to be measured must not form a chemical bond with the temperature sensor (qualification by the user). |
Chemical resistance | Water resistance class (ISO 719) HGB 3 Acidity class (DIN 12 116) Class S1 Caustic solution class (ISO 695) Class A2 |
Connecting wires | The connecting wires are of sheathed platinum wire, with varying diameters according to the sensor geometry. Any unnecessary bending of the wires must be avoided, as this may result in material fatigue and a wire break. |
Measurement point | 2mm from the end of the wire; the nominal value given refers to the standard connecting wire length L1, with the measurement being acquired 2mm from the end of the wire. Any alteration to the wire length will lead to changes in resistance. |
Long-term stability | max. drift <0.05°C after 1000hrs at 200°C max. drift <0.10°C after 1000hrs at 400°C |
Insulation resistance | 100MΩ at room temperature |
Vibration strength | 30g within the frequency range 30 — 3000Hz |
Self-heating | Δt = I2 x R x E (see Data Sheet 90.6000 for definitions) |
Packaging | Blister belt Exception: temperature sensors with an overall length >45mm, including the connecting wires. These are packed in a cardboard box with foam padding. |
Storage | In normal surroundings, JUMO temperature sensors, PG style, can be stored indefinitely in the (standard) belt packaging. It is not permissible to store the sensors in aggressive atmospheres or corrosive media. |
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